Acrylic Ink Opaque - Red
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Acrylic Ink Opaque - Red

Transparent Acrylic Ink

4,63 € without VAT
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Transparent Acrylic Ink


GSW acrylic inks stand out for their innovative formulation, combining high-quality pigments in an ultra-fluid base. This product is distinguished by its fast drying, permanence, water resistance once dry, and exceptional fluidity. These characteristics make it an ideal choice for a wide range of artistic techniques, from glazes in the painting of model figures or miniatures, painting comics with brush or fillable markers, to creating watercolor-like painting effects.

These inks offer exceptional versatility, allowing the creation of highly concentrated and intense colors when applied undiluted. Their high-quality pigmentation ensures that the colors maintain their vividness and strength. On the other hand, by diluting the inks, rich color transparencies are achieved that add depth and subtlety to compositions. This ability of acrylic ink to adapt to different techniques and artistic styles makes it a preferred choice for a wide variety of creative projects.

The product comes in a glass bottle with a dispensing pipette, which allows you to precisely contour each drop of pigment to control the amount and intensity of the mixtures you work with, giving you the freedom to bring your visions to life with unparalleled clarity and precision.

With acrylic inks, you can create everything from color filters to powerful effects of depth and luminosity. Their transparency allows you to play with light and color in a subtle and sophisticated way, creating works that captivate the eye and awaken the imagination.


Main characteristics:


  • Extremely pigmented.
  • Matte finishes
  • Vivid, fluid, and intense colors.
  • It is not necessary to dilute it to use it with an airbrush or in calligraphy.
  • Strong resistance to light.
  • Compatible with all other GSW acrylic products and mediums.
  • Wide range of opaque and transparent colors to meet various creative needs.
  • Contents: 1 glass bottle of 30ml with dispensing pipette.
  • Pigment Index: PV19
  • Finish: matte
  • Lightfastness (blue wool scale): 7 - Excellent (ASTM I)
  • Opacity: Transparent


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